Melissa Robinson is an advocate for mompreneurs to keep their radiance, love themselves first, and thrive in every area of their life. She has a passion for transformation and will take you where you are to where you want to be. She has over 20 years experience in personal development and 10 years experience in the spa industry. Its this unique combination that supports your whole being inside and out. She also has a background in holistic health and studied in Hawaii with 2 Kapuna elders. It was at this time that she learned the importance of connecting to source, being in alignment so you can trust your inner knowing. She has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and the local San Diego news. She also speaks at events to inspire and motivate women to love themselves first.
I have three rescue dogs. None of them were planned. They found me.
I changed Siris voice to a British accent. Try it. She’s way more pleasant.
My daughter and I like to search for heart shaped rocks on the beach. When you’re open to seeing love you will find it everywhere.
I freaking love science. Science has proven that red wine and chocolate have health benefits.
What does cooking, painting, making skincare, building headboards, and sculpting have in common? They are all some of my favorite activities. You literally start with nothing, add simple ingredients and then BAM! A masterpiece.
Something that has served me well. When a person, place or thing is not right I feel sick in my stomach. When it is right I feel it in my heart. Its as if my whole heart expands to a Yes!